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Weekly SuperVisioNZ tips. April 27th 2024. —Resilience

Have you stopped and thought about what the word ‘resilience’ means when we apply it to our ever changing work environment?

Essentially it is our ability to respond to change especially when the change is potentially a threat /risk to our equilibrium both professionally and personally.

I realised this week that my resilience is not as good as it could be. I have made the crucial mistake of not checking in REGULARLY enough to evaluate where my resilience is sitting.

From now on I am going to score my resilience on a weekly basis from 1-10 ( 10 being great resilience) to ensure I’m aware of how I’m doing.

Maybe this is something you may find useful.

I believe it will give me the ability to adjust what I’m doing to boost my resilience with whatever I need. What you need to boost your resilience will be individual to you.

For me it’s getting outside and spending time taking in nature, some photography and some physical exercise along with reconnecting with friends and family.

It’s easy to lose sight and to slip into the trap of not recognising when our resilience is on the slide. If you can, get ahead of it!



Let's get started! 
Please reach out when you are ready to take that next step so we can organise a time for a free 20minute telephone consultation. It's important to make sure that I'm the right fit for your mentorship and supervision journey, and the best way to determine that is to talk through your goals, concerns, and beliefs. I look forward to hearing from you! 

Available for in person or remote supervision,

Kate is based in
Waikoikoi, Gore, New Zealand

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