“It is on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way.
So we must dig and delve increasingly,” Claude Monet.
SuperVisioNZ has been busy since it’s inception in May with rapid growth. I have had the
pleasure to provide supervision and mentorship to a number of individuals and groups
across different disciplines during this time.
2023 has been a busy year with some great training opportunities to enable SuperVisioNZ to
move from a longstanding goal into a reality. I was fortunate to attend both the College of
Nurse’s Professional Supervision 2 day workshop and the NPNZ Professional Mentorship
course. These are the formal requirements required to deliver both professional supervision
and mentorship in particular to nurses, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and those on the Nurse
Practitioner Training Programme.
SuperVisioNZ has exceeded all my expectations. Within my business I also provide rural
health education for independent organisations and MyHealthhub. On request, I present
virtually to rural practices and to the students of the Rural Health Interprofessional
I also work part time in rural primary care in the Nurse Practitioner / PRIME role, and as a
self employed independent sports event medic. I will continue to work in the clinical space as
I believe it provides an understanding of the issues that are faced by health professionals -it
is essential for me to know what my supervisees are facing at the coal face.
The changes we have seen in health care delivery has undoubtedly changed the health
environment across all disciplines. COVID taught us to work in different ways and the
emergence of telehealth and virtual platforms has been a shining light on the horizon. This
also means that virtual delivery of supervision, mentorship and education is most often
seemless and can be done in the comfort of your own home or workplace.
Using a reflective model, supervision and mentorship give the supervisee protected time to
unpack challenges, celebrate wins, to discuss professional development goals and plan for
future success. We all value enjoyment of our occupations regardless of discipline but when
things get tough, we sometimes need an objective ear to listen and support the reflective
process to move forward.
The trusting relationship that is developed between myself and my clients means that my
clients feel safe to talk about matters they are challenged by and they know whatever we
discuss is completely confidential.
Supervision and mentorship also allows clients to check in and see what they are doing for
themselves to manage their work- like balance and prevent burnout. There is increasing
evidence to support the use of professional supervision to support workforce retention
alongside a reduction in burnout rates and increased productivity. It is encouraging to see
more workplaces supporting their staff to access supervision through funding this service,
and seeing staff wellbeing as being important. I recommend clients approach their workplace
for funding to have supervision and mentorship given that the benefits are many.
As the year comes to a close, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas, and thank you
for all your support over the course of the last 6 months. I look forward to seeing my current
clients in the New Year and welcome new clients to join me on a pathway to success and
workplace wellbing.
Happy 2024.
Kind regards
Kate Stark
Nurse Practitioner